Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

How To Name A Blog

How To Name A Blog

So I had decided to create a blog a few weeks before I actually started the blog. I finally came to the realization that the writing I have been doing lately worked well in a blog format. But you know, coming up with a name was not that easy. Or maybe it was, and I just couldn’t accept it. Well, anyhow, I asked a couple of friends for help:

On 2/2/06, Nivi Engineer wrote:
So I've decided to start a blog with my own random crap (I'm just not
edgy enough for Blunt Instrument), and I need a name. I've got
material to post (well, kinda. It kinda sucks but what the heck, gotta
start somewhere), but I can't seem to create the blog because I can't
come up with a good name.

I've come up with Brain Hickey (or Brain Hickies or Virtual Brain
Hickey, or some derivation thereof) but I don't know. not sure that I
love that name.

This blog will probably discuss at various times politics, motherhood,
and who knows what else (maybe football, the news, Cleveland, my kids'

Any suggestions?

How about "My Soapbox" or "Stay Off My Soapbox" or "Soapboxing" ?
"When Write-at-Home Moms Explode"?
"Brain Vomit"?
"Between Meals"?
"Between Diaper Changes"?
"Virtual Stench"
"Is There Such Thing As a Virtual Slap?"
"Go Back To Sleep"
"My Mind On Me Time"
"Nap Free And Not Happy"

In response, I got:
On 2/2/06, Salil wrote:

hahhahaha, just the name ideas are good for a first post.

ixnay on all the "soapbox" related ones. There are 10,000,000 blogs out there with some derivation of "soapbox" in their names.

Would you like to meet some of the desi blogging crew? I think you'd get along great with Brimful, Deepa (aka " maisnon") and Roop (aka " Roop").

And welcome to this world. This sad, sad, scary, sad, sometimes creepy, and always hysterically funny sad world. But filled with amazingly cool people, provided you can actually meet them and drink coffee with them :-D

On 2/2/06, Alok wrote:
If "soapbox" is bad (I liked "So why exactly a Soapbox?" as a name), how 'bout:

"Mommy Manifesto"


Mom's Bomb (Balm?)


"Hickey Homily"


"Engineer Exhortion"

or combine two words like

"EngineeRant" or "NivInveighing" or "DiaPeroration"

On 2/2/06, Nikki wrote:
So far I like between diaper changes :-) Later you can change it to The Mommy Shuttle: Between stops.

In the end, obviously, I completely disregarded the advice of my friends and stuck with BrainHickey. Oh well. So why don’t you let me know what you think of the name.

I’ve already gotten this comment:
“Brainhickey? I know I read what it is on the website...”

That says it all, doesn’t it?

Hmmm, not the most interesting entry, is it? But, maybe I just figured a little flashback would be good right now.

And I don't know if that really says anything about "How to Name A Blog." Heck, if anyone wants to take any of the ideas, and use them to name their own blog, feel free (just add a link to this one).

Okay, that's all. The little one just woke up from his nap and is screaming. Me-time is officially over today.


Blogger Chris S said...

I am already feeling locked into the snow carving thing. My second post I though about changing it. I just went to an AYSO conference in Chicago and I wanted to talk about it.

Maybe if I end up with around a 5:1 ratio of Snow carving to other stuff I'll leave it alone.

9:14 AM  

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