Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Can't Get Enough

I feel I must apologize. I’ve been rather remiss lately about posting. I’ve randomly thrown stories into the mix, but that is usually when I haven’t managed to write anything non-fiction. But then, perhaps the lack of comments makes it hard for me to assess just how many people are actually even reading this… In any case, I’m sorry. I will try to be better about posting.

So anyhow, “Uma, Usha, Urmila” is the novel I’ve been trying to write, and what takes away from my blogging time (although technically, blogging is taking away from my novel-writing time). I’m going to try to share a chapter here or there as I develop it (it’s about half written already, as a first draft). At any point, if you find yourself growing woefully bored by the story, please let me know. Sure, I’d appreciate any feedback, and if you’re loving it and can’t wait to read more, I’d of course be happy to hear, but most importantly, I’d like to know if my novel sucks. I don’t want to waste the next year of my life developing a piece of drivel. And then the next year or so trying to sell it. Seriously, if you’re a reader (as I assume you are if you’re reading this), would you want to read on? Would you buy this book if you were in a bookstore? How about if it’s one of those 3 for the price of 2 books?

Anyhow, I thought I’d share a little anecdote. I generally try to avoid stories about my kids, and try not to write about parenting issues, because frankly, this is my life away from being a parent. But sometimes, I can’t help it.

So yesterday, a friend of mine came over with her daughters, and we were all having dinner. My son (the elder, almost-five-year-old) was telling my friend about some vacation we took. Specifically, he was telling her about the cereal he ate. As he described it (and see if you can figure out what it is from his description), I kept racking my brain trying to figure out which vacation and which cereal he was talking about. I still don’t remember which vacation it was, but see if you can figure out the cereal, and if you can ever see that cereal in the store again without chuckling.

Clue #1: “It was sticky, and was sticking to our hands so we had to wash our hands after eating.”

Clue #2: “It looks like your butt but it’s smaller because it’s cereal.”

Clue #3: “There’s a frog on the box.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the name of the cereal is?

8:51 AM  

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