Well, I've done it. I've signed up to write 50,000 words in November.
This program has been going on for 10 years, and ever since I heard of it (maybe not quite 10 years ago, but several), I have wanted to try it. Usually, though, I remember in mid-November, and while I doubt I can write 50,000 in a month, 2 weeks would definitely not be enough time.
That said, I now have 3 weeks to figure out what the heck I'm going to write about. I have no idea who my characters will be, what my stories will be about, or anything.
What do you think:
A story about a talking chihuahua that gets lost in Mexico? Nah, too stupid.
How about a nice little story about a small-town beauty queen who dreams about becoming the first female president of the USA, and scratches and claws her way to the top, flashing her smile and cute little phrases to get out of trouble? Nah, too far-fetched.
Argh! It's hopeless. What have I done?
This program has been going on for 10 years, and ever since I heard of it (maybe not quite 10 years ago, but several), I have wanted to try it. Usually, though, I remember in mid-November, and while I doubt I can write 50,000 in a month, 2 weeks would definitely not be enough time.
That said, I now have 3 weeks to figure out what the heck I'm going to write about. I have no idea who my characters will be, what my stories will be about, or anything.
What do you think:
A story about a talking chihuahua that gets lost in Mexico? Nah, too stupid.
How about a nice little story about a small-town beauty queen who dreams about becoming the first female president of the USA, and scratches and claws her way to the top, flashing her smile and cute little phrases to get out of trouble? Nah, too far-fetched.
Argh! It's hopeless. What have I done?
I signed up for NaNoWrMo, too. Yikes. And my writers group is havin a conference in November as well.
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