Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

How To Waste Your Time Without Really Trying

So I was surfing online for pictures of the Super Friends to start designing my kid’s birthday party invitation (he’s going to have a super hero party, which gives me some serious potential for a really cool invitation, right?). Anyhow, as I was surfing, I came across an amusing website that I thought I’d share.

It’s great. This guy goes through and rates a bunch of stuff, from the powers of the Super Friends to breakfast cereals to conspiracy theories to the seven deadly sins. It’s rather entertaining, and I just managed to waste about half an hour looking through them before deciding I absolutely must stop. And that too to write about the site so other people can waste their time.

There’s lots of great junk out there on the Internet to waste time on if you know where to look. Usually, you can count on one or two people directing you to these websites. The trouble is, now that I don’t have a job, I don’t have time to check any of these sites out. Ironic, isn’t it? Now that I stay at home full time, I get on the computer to actually get stuff done, and otherwise feel guilty ignoring my kids or husband. I manage to waste a lot of time anyhow, say, searching for a bedroom set for my kids or trying to find furniture for my parents’ family room (which I no longer have to deal with). But somehow that all seems important, and I can look up while sitting on the couch in the same room in which my kids are playing.

But anyhow, have you seen the video clip of the experiments with Diet Coke and Mentos? It takes a while to load up, but it’s pretty interesting. It does have musical accompaniment, so if you’re watching this at work, you may want to have headphones in.

Of course there’s always You Tube. Search for “manishe kung fu” and you’ll see a clip of my son (then 2) and my brother-in-law (then much older than 2) costumed up at the Japanese Garden in Sydney, Australia. Or, search for “evolution of dance,” which is also quite good. I’m sure there are many others, but I don’t have the patience to look through a bunch of crappy home videos (Dude, I don’t even watch my own) to find the gems; I count on other people to tell me about the funny ones.

Let’s see. What are some other time-wasting sites? I discovered, which has this software for interior designers. You can try it out for free and decorate or rearrange furniture in a room. It’s not a great program, and you won’t be able to save or print your design, and it really would be easier to just get a couple of sheets of graph paper, use one for the room layout and the other to make cutouts of your furniture, and do it by hand, but if you have the measurements and want to waste time on the computer, then this works well. If you do lots of designing, perhaps buying this software would be worthwhile, but it’s really not great and there are better products out there.

Online games are good. My site of preference (geek that I am) is The Merriam Webster site. Did you know that this year marks the 200th anniversary of America’s first dictionary (I’m presuming they mean Merriam Webster)?

Okay, I’m bored. Seriously. I’m all alone, the kids are with my parents, my husband’s at work, and all I have to do is rest (in fact, all I should do is rest). And the fact that I’m not supposed to get up and do anything makes me really want to get up and do something. I have no kids; I should go run some errands. I should take care of the laundry. I should go somewhere. But no. I have to behave. I am an incubator, an oven, and the bread needs to stay inside. I may make phone calls, I may surf the net to get things done, whatever. I can’t get this kind of relaxation time most days, so I better take full advantage of it now.

And that’s what the problem is. My mind is not ready for this. I wasn’t expecting both kids to go with their grandparents. I didn’t think I’d be able to be alone right now. And frankly, I’m out of practice. This would be an excellent time for me to get some writing done. But I can’t do it. I mean, sure, I’m writing this, but this can be written with a scattered brain. The focus I need for my stories is something I just can’t muster right now.

So let me waste one afternoon, one evening, one night. Tomorrow, I shall begin.


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