Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Yes, I'm Still Here

Wow, this takes me back. It's 11pm (time for me to be brushing my teeth and going to sleep) and instead I'm typing away creating a blog. Haven't done that in a while. And I figured it was about time I did.

So I logged in and found I had a bunch of comments to review. Oops. They go back to pretty much the beginning of the blog. And as I didn't pay too close attention to all the dates, I can't really tell you where they are. But, I would like to respond to a couple.

First, someone asked me to post if I figured out how to enjoy a PB&J while meeting my dietary restrictions. In fact, I have (mostly) found a way. There are natural peanut butters out there without trans fats (make sure they include sugar, though; I haven't tasted the ones that just list peanuts and salt, but I have to say I'm a little hesitant to try - especially since my kids would lose their one staple food if I bought the wrong kind!), and I have found jelly without high fructose corn syrup, again natural. The brand I've found and have liked is nature's best, though there are more expensive ones out there (I just figured that if I'm trying something new, try cheap first). My kids have not noticed a difference. Bread-wise, I've switched them to wheat bread, but can't remember which brand has no offending ingredients and have been too lazy to check (figuring at least it's wheat bread). But there are definitely wheat breads out there that are okay; my kids just notice they're more nutty or crunchy or too unlike white bread for them to finish their sandwiches. So, my favorite kinda sandwich is back in my life again :)

That said, let me add a snapshot into my life. Yesterday was my kids' last day of school. Whew. We made it. And today was crazy! I'm going back to work - part time from home - and mentally, it is going to be tough. Our house is on the market - for another week and a half. Then, my kids' school needs to know whether we'll be back or they'll give their spots to kids on the waiting list. So, if it sells by then, fine. Otherwise, we're sticking around. And I'm glad there's a definite date in mind. My brother got engaged recently, and we held an engagement party last weekend. So I was crazy busy organizing that. And I finally got to meet my brother's fiancee and her family, and they are all so incredibly nice and cool that I am looking forward to hanging out with them again. And at the party, we got to announce that my sister just got engaged. So, she'll probably get married this year - maybe by summer's end. My brother is getting married in the fall. I may or may not be moving. I'm starting work (and need to find babysitting!). Oh, and I'm planning my sister's wedding. Did I mention I have 3 kids?

Okay, enough about me. Whoever commented that he/she wanted to play the part of Nivi, any interest in auditioning? I could use another me.

Back to the blog. To Henri Martin, who responded to my "Is Santa Claus Real" post, please read my Finding my Religion post and Religion and Darwinism post for some context.

Well, battery is dying, so goodnight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so cool that others have commented besides just me, your sister.

You need a follow up:

Brother engaged - check
Sister engaged - check

Ad nauseum conference calls for wedding planning - double check - would be single if anything were accomplished.

kids home - check
Not moving - check
Started new contract at work - check

Sanity - uh... uh

1:32 PM  

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