Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Bed Rest Chronicles

Thursday, June 22 5:35pm

So far so good. Today is officially day 2 of bed rest, although it is my first full day at home. It’s raining outside, so I don’t feel like I’m missing too much. I’ve got about eight weeks of this ahead of me, and a stack of books that I still have to go through. I barely did any reading, though, since the five-year-old was around and needed my attention. So instead, I helped him make a mobile from something he cut out from his magazine. My mother-in-law came at 2:30 with the two-year-old, who refused to get out of the car. She’s been hanging around, waiting for my husband to get home from work (his shift ended at 4, and I feel bad for him that he’s still there, since he’s been feeling pretty burned out lately).

A friend came over for lunch today. She picked up food and milkshakes from Tommy’s and then hung out for about an hour before she had to head out. She’s leaving town tomorrow and is getting married at the end of the summer, so I doubt she’ll be able to come around that often.

I folded laundry today. As long as the basket is next to the couch, I can at least contribute in that way.

Monday, I was having contractions, so after breakfast I got in my car and drove over to the doctor’s office to make sure everything was all right. Well, I was admitted and put on Magnesium Sulfate for about 24 hours to stop the contractions, so I guess it’s a good thing I went in. But now, the contractions have tapered considerably (to at most one per hour), and I’m on bed rest. So in the morning I get up, shower, and come downstairs. After that, I rest on the couch except to use the bathroom (which is quite often considering how much water I have to drink). I’ve been eating in the dining room, but I’ll double-check with my doctor tomorrow to make sure that’s all right.

While I was in the hospital, I tried having a bit of a self-pity party. My hips were sore, I ached all over, and I just wanted to come home. But I couldn’t do it. I’m so lucky. The baby is still inside, we’re both all right, and we’ve got family around to support us. Things could have turned out so much worse, and yet, they didn’t. Yeah, it’s a pain in the butt to be on bed rest, but it would be worse to have delivered and had a kid in the I.C.U. The school year is over, soccer camp ended Friday, and we have no obligations that we are shirking.

So while I haven’t yet started that novel that I’m going to complete during bed rest, I did finish reading “The Princess Bride” and have started reading a book about being a novelist. I’ve also got a novel in French that I bought when we went to Paris last October that I finally have a chance to read. Plus, with my son turning five next month, I have a simple party to plan. There’s just too much to do to dwell on the fact that I am couch-ridden.


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