Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Bed Rest Chronicles: Week 6 1/2

Wednesday was a fun day. Really. Everything about it was a pleasure. 96 degrees out, we decided to go out to the air-conditioned car dealership and test drive the Toyota Sienna. My husband ended up doing the driving, and he then re-drove the Odyssey, while I hung out at the dealership sitting by the kids while they played with legos.

On our way back, we stopped off for gelato. Yummy. Air conditioned.

After we came back, we sat out back and let the kids play in the pool while my husband got dinner ready.

After getting the boys to bed, during which I hung out downstairs contracting way too often, we relaxed and watched television.

And then, calling the neighbor over to hang out until my mother-in-law showed up to stay the night with the boys, we went into the hospital.

I stayed overnight hooked to an IV while my husband and parents (who insisted on not waiting for the follow-up status call) slept all night on uncomfortable chairs, waking up every time I had to use the bathroom (which was quite often considering how much IV fluid was being pumped into me) to help me out of bed and maneuver the IV pole around the crowded room into the bathroom.

Finally, in the morning, finding that the contractions had cut down considerably and weren't productive, they sent me home. So we went home, ate breakfast, and then I slept. My husband took the dog and boys for a walk before coming up and napping for a shorter time than he'd have liked, considering he then had to drive me to my doctor's appointment in the afternoon.

So there was my false alarm at 34 1/2 weeks. It was definitely earlier than we wanted the baby to come out, but in the end, it wasn't all bad. For one thing, after spending the night strapped to the monitor checking the contractions and baby's heartrate, sleeping in an uncomfortable bed wearing a hospital gown, with a needle stuck in my arm, my pregnancy is much less uncomfortable. I feel pretty small and spritely (okay, maybe not quite spritely, but how often does one get to use that word?).

My husband and I are realizing that the pregnancy is coming to an end soon - no idea just how soon - so we're making decisions that need to be made. We're moving forward on the car decision (Toyota Sienna - cheaper, smoother ride, great lease deal), going to finally order the new cell phones (ours have needed replacement for a while), and we're close to deciding a name. We've managed to sell the guest bed (they'll be picking it up tomorrow morning), and the dressers should be coming in soon. We still have a wedding gift to buy, as well as a couple of other gifts, but I'll get right on that. I'd like to "decorate" the boys' room - I have the alphabet in applique that I want to put back up on the walls - but that, I suppose can wait until I'm not pregnant anymore and can safely mount them.

Well, that's the latest. I'm still on bed rest, and I'll have to get writing to complete at least another chapter of my novel before the boys come home from the pediatrician.


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