Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Bed Rest Chronicles, Sunday 6/24

Argh! I am so pathetic! I’ve been given this incredible opportunity to write, and what am I doing? Browsing through ads on I just posted something on there, and should just be checking my email to see if anyone responds, but instead I’m looking at what other people are selling, even though I have no intention (or ability) to purchase anything. I did find a couple postings for people wanting some stuff that I may have (they want little girl outfits; I got little girl outfits as gifts, but no little girls), but since I don’t know exactly what my inventory is, and I can’t go upstairs and look, I may as well just not worry about it right now.

Seriously, that site is somehow addictive. Or perhaps avoidance of writing is addictive. Whatever.

So hubby took the boys to Geauga Lake for the day. They should have a blast (the boys, that is). Hopefully hubby manages to enjoy himself. He’s so overwhelmed by parenting, and otherwise keeps himself so busy. I wish for him some peace, some ability to learn to relax and enjoy time with the boys without constantly feeling like he’s suffering for them. You know, I’d like him to achieve some state of Parenting Zen. But that’s a tough thing to do, especially when you’re the one responsible for all the primary concerns (food, potty, sleep). It’s much easier when you know you’ve got someone to manage that stuff so you can enjoy spoiling them.

But enough about parenting. We saw the movie “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang” last night. And I’d say it was pretty entertaining. It was different, which it established from the beginning. It was a little slow getting started, but the plot was unusual, a bit absurd (okay, a lot absurd), and the three main characters were equally strong. I kept looking at Robert Downey, Jr. and expecting Ed Norton (I have no idea why); Val Kilmer was awesome; and Michelle Monaghan reminded me of the chick who played Maya on “Just Shoot Me” but without the gap between her front teeth. Oh, and I loved the grammatical references they made. Of course, our DVD player upstairs doesn’t work, so we’ve been using the portable one, which kept crapping out (since it’s not really meant for daily use, but rather for trips). So we ended up finishing the movie down in the basement. It was nice revisiting that room, that wonderful room that was largely constructed while I was on bed rest last time (as well as later). Aah, memories. I can’t go down there much now, since I shouldn’t be climbing stairs too much. But we figured one time would be all right.

So we’re at 29 weeks now. One week at a time. Which means I need to set certain writing goals and actually meet them while I’m alone, because I will be responsible for keeping an eye on the kids (even if I can’t run after them) at times. I am not currently reading any books that I can just get lost in, and am thus feeling generally uninspired. But nonetheless, I must write. Spirits remain high, kid is kicking away and not contracting, and the pregnancy is going well. I’m feeling rather optimistic about how this bed rest will go, although hubby declared the other day that once the baby comes, he’s not getting up in the middle of the night. I get the sense that he’s starting to appreciate just how much I normally do. And perhaps his current life should tell me just how much working moms or single parents have to do, and to make me appreciate just how lucky I am.


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