Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


The Word of the Day for November 10 is:

peripeteia \pair-uh-puh-TEE-uh\ noun
: a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances or situation especially in
a literary work

Seriously. This was today's word of the day. How do you like that? Ain't that a kicker? If I believed in the paranormal or in signs, I would have gotten this word in my email (I'm on the Merriam-Webster Word of the Day mailing list) and perhaps could have been prepared.

But I was not. Not only did I not check my email until this evening, by which time the peripeteia had already occurred, but I bet that even if I had, I would not have expected it.

We lost. The Buckeyes lost. Okay, now, I had complained in previous weeks that we really didn't seem so good. We won one game despite three turnovers. We were sloppy, coasting, and it was bound to catch up with us. And it did. I think we were looking ahead to the Michigan game and the National Championship and were caught revelling in our own glory.

Lucky for me, I'm from Cleveland. And such a loss as this will not cause me to lose any sleep tonight. My kids, on the other hand, will (cause me to lose sleep, that is. They will sleep like babies - which is such a false simile. Babies wake up every few hours screaming at the top of their lungs. Why would anyone want to sleep like a baby? Seriously.)


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