Brain Hickey

A brain hickey, like a real hickey, is something that leaves its mark. The opposite of a brain fart (when you have a mental disconnect and can’t think of the simplest thing), a brain hickey is a thought so profound, so deep, so mentally tantalizing that it sticks with you. Maybe you’ll change your life because of the enlightenment you experience. Or maybe you’ll just think about what I said for the next few days and then it’ll gradually fade, like a real hickey.

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

I have three sons, a dog, and a very supportive husband. I get to write whatever I like as long as I don't ask him to read it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My characters need to start mingling

So I guess there's not going to be any sort of writing prompt or any other restrictions to my writing for the NaNoWriMo thing, so really, I just need to get into the habit of writing.

And to write a novel, I'll need to have a story. And for a story, I need to have some characters. And they need to start mingling, getting to know each other, start wandering around inside my head, figuring out their goals, aspirations, struggles, start picking fights with each other, and just get to the good part by November 1. Then, I'll just start chronicling their lives, watch them interact, and then, if I'm nice and if they really need help, I'll give them a hand and help them find a happy ending.

Perhaps I should use our Wii and create a few Mii's and see how they interact. I wonder if Mii's ever fight when they're hanging out in the Mii community. I see them walk around a bunch. But what happens when they're not being watched? How complex are their lives? Do they get jealous when certain Mii's get to go play all the games? I made a Mii for myself. But I don't really play very often (I actually bought Wii Fit two weeks ago, and we have yet to open the box - but maybe that speaks more for how much I've worked out lately). So does my Mii get jealous? Does my Mii hang out with my husband's Mii? Does my Mii get along with my Mii-in-law? Do Mii's have voices?

Do I have enough material here to start my novel? Should I be sharing these ideas? What if someone else comes in and takes this idea and runs with it? Well, so what. They'd have to beat me to it, right? And if I'm writing my novel in 30 days, well, then, whoever steals my idea will have to hurry.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Well, I've done it. I've signed up to write 50,000 words in November.

This program has been going on for 10 years, and ever since I heard of it (maybe not quite 10 years ago, but several), I have wanted to try it. Usually, though, I remember in mid-November, and while I doubt I can write 50,000 in a month, 2 weeks would definitely not be enough time.

That said, I now have 3 weeks to figure out what the heck I'm going to write about. I have no idea who my characters will be, what my stories will be about, or anything.

What do you think:

A story about a talking chihuahua that gets lost in Mexico? Nah, too stupid.

How about a nice little story about a small-town beauty queen who dreams about becoming the first female president of the USA, and scratches and claws her way to the top, flashing her smile and cute little phrases to get out of trouble? Nah, too far-fetched.

Argh! It's hopeless. What have I done?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Watching the VP Debate

Discussing today's upcoming debate, I floated an idea by a friend of mine, a theory that I have (I'll get to that later). He didn't agree, but did express concern about the fact that Joe Biden can do nothing but lose, and Sarah Palin can do nothing but win given the expectations. He wanted him to go out there and attack Palin, but I suggested staying nice, staying on the high road, would be better for him.

Palin Quotes that remind me of the SNL skit where the fake Katie Couric asked fake Sarah Palin if she realized that whenever she (Sarah) was backed into a corner, she got more adorable (something I hadn't noticed but am finding amusing as hell now):

'Joe Six Pack', 'Darn right',

An interesting approach that Palin could take, that I noticed as she answered the first question: just repeat what Joe Biden says. Paraphrase it, say 'maverick' and 'middle class'.

Wait a minute: Sarah Palin is stating that she is not friends with the oil companies? Isn't she pushing offshore drilling despite endangering certain animals?

she's promised to do what is right for the American people. Wouldn't that be resigning the nomination to someone who is actually qualified to run the country?

'a toxic mess': offshore drilling, promoted by Palin.

What is true and what is false about the causes of climate change?
Palin: I don't want to talk about the causes. We have to clean up. We have to reduce emissions. She doesn't believe it's man-made.

Biden: If you don't understand what the cause is, it's virtually impossible to come up with a solution. We know what the cause is, it's manmade.

Palin: Environmentally-friendly offshore drilling.

Do you support same sex benefits?
Biden: absolutely. rights of visitation,
Palin: I am 'tolerant'. I don't support redefining traditional marriage

Do you support gay marriage
both said no, but biden said he differentiated between constitutional and civil matters, that marriage was up to the churches

he he she said 'early withdrawal'. I guess she wouldn't pick up on the humor of that with the abstinence-only education.

'that's fer sher'

I like how Biden has thrown out the names 'George Bush & McCain' and just recently 'Dick Cheney & John McCain'. subtle.

Ahmadinejad is not sane or stable. that's a good quote to put on camera before
goes beyond naivete and bad judgment. Did she say that name over and over again because she just learned to pronounce it?

What has this administration done right and wrong in Israel and Palestine?
Palin: a two state solution is the only solution.
Biden: it has been an abject failure.
Palin: no I don't think this has been an abject failure


So anyhow, she does seem to be holding her own, but then, this is honestly the first debate I've watched for this long. I don't know what I expected, but she seemed way more prepared for this than for her Katie Couric interview.

But my theory, seeing how things are going now, and how McCain has been blatantly lying (to Letterman, on 'the View') after becoming the candidate based on his character, my theory is that he doesn't really want to become president. He wanted to become the Republican nominee, to show that the maverick who opposed his own party time and again could still win the nomination. But now, at 72, he would probably enjoy retiring with his wife while he can still enjoy hanging out with her. And when Hillary lost out to a less-experienced Barack, he thought, damn, I might actually win this one. Damn damn damn, I'm too old for this. What can I do to lose this? And then Barack chose Biden, and he realized that the inexperience problem was gone, and he felt comfortable with the fate of this country that he loves and that he fought to protect. It seemed truly that the only way he could lose this was to pick an absolute nobody with just the minimum of requirements (she's at least 35, and she was born in America). People suspected it was to get the woman vote, but there were any number of more qualified republican women who could have run with him. No, he chose an inexperienced woman who is ultra-conservative, as opposed to him.

Just a thought, Mr. Fox...